Las empresas regionales: ¿Nuevo actor innovador?

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Mariano Prado


In this work it is tried to meditate, starting from a case study, on the challenges that the regional managers face for the introduction of an original answer applied so much to their processes, to their products and the total structure of the company. To think of the study of the different technologies that possesses a region in particular requires, at least, the consideration and the analysis of different dimensions, belonging the regional economy one to them, and especially the productive activities, their managerial dynamics and the development of the present institutions inside the region. In this sense, it seems appropriate to wonder: under the current social and economic conditions of the region, do the organizational actors assume an active or passive paper in front of the necessity of innovation incorporation in the managerial organizations?. In function of that outlined, should the nodal point be located in the relationship that settles down among the internal politicians of the regional companies, the innovation incorporation and its impact in the local institutions.


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How to Cite
Prado, M. (2023). Las empresas regionales: ¿Nuevo actor innovador?. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (4), 217–228. Retrieved from


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