Recuperación económica y precariedad laboral en la Argentina. Una mirada regional
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After the deep crisis the economy went through between the end of year 2001 and the beginning of year 2003, it then registered a strong and sustained recovery. This events also affected the labor market. In previous years (1998-2003) the evolution of labor market indica-tors lead to the fact that jobs shortage, especially good quality employment, turned to be the main subject in debates related to social and political matters in Argentina at the beginning of xxi century. The new situation puts forth new questions and new debates. Therefore, this paper aims to contribute with some evidence to the following questions: How did the recent economic recovery affect labor precariousness and lack of register in Argentina? Were these effects similar to all regions? If it wasn’t that way, which were the regions where precariousness and lack of register fell more? Which were the main reasons for these changes?
The analysis was based on data from new Household Survey, with emphasis on regional perspective and using microeconometric
decomposition of the observed changes. We concluded that labor precariousness went down in the period under study, but almost half this reduction disappears when those people assisted with employment “plans” are not computed as workers. Labor precariousness fell more in northwest of the country than in the rest of it, but the level of precariousness in this region was higher than in the rest of the country at the beginning of the period. Finally, the elasticity of both total employment and wage earner employment to gdp was positive, though with a tendency to fall. Surprisingly, the elasticity of labor precariousness to changes in gdp seemed to have been procycle (growth of gdp and growth of precariousness) in the country as a whole, with the northwest region showing a different behaviour.
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