Trayectoria reciente y perspectivas futuras de la industria naval pesada argentina: los astilleros estatales

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Juliana Frassa
Cintia Russo


With a regulatory protectionist framework promoting the construction of ships in the country, the development of the naval industry in Argentina was characterized by strong State intervention. Such intervention took place within a regime of Import Substitution Industrialization (ISI) processes. Our paper will describe the history of Argentina’s naval heavy industry since 1950 to date, focusing on two aspects: the central role of the State (and its industrial policy) as regulator, producer, client and financial backer of the sector; and the active participation of social actors, specially organized workers, in the sector’s survival during the 1990s. We will study the two most significant state-owned shipyards for building and repair in Argentina: Astillero Rio Santiago (ARS) and Talleres Dársena Norte (Tandanor). As final conclusions, we reflect upon the future development of the sector and the place its social actors have.


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How to Cite
Frassa, J., & Russo, C. (2012). Trayectoria reciente y perspectivas futuras de la industria naval pesada argentina: los astilleros estatales. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (8), 77–98. Retrieved from