El análisis regional en la Argentina: enfoque teórico-metodológico y aportes para su profundización
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The aim of the article is to present the main cores of the regional analysis perspective in Argentina, making different contributions to its development on the dynamics of accumulation and hegemony. In that sense, we retake authors like Rofman, de Jong and Levín, to the understanding of the relationship between territory and society. We start from the proposition of building synthetic and holistic knowledge looking for integrating the different scales of spatial analysis, with their particularities and their interpenetration. The relationship between mode of production and space brings us to the question of the organic transformations of capital as a social relationship, and, thus, to the study on the process of expanded reproduction of capital from concepts such as accumulation regime and model, at different scales, scope and levels of abstraction. International relations of force are seen in the light of the dispute over various strategic monopolies, pointed out by Amin, and the place of transnational corporations as central agents of current accumulation regimes. At that point, we continue to develop the Gramscian plan on the analysis of relations of force, from its structural level to the moment of hegemony. Therefore, the construction of the territory within a national social formation calls us to explore the dynamics of the production process, its agents, fractions and classes, as well as the role of State and corporate disputes between projects. These dimensions are also conjugated to a smaller scale, in the analysis of spatial accumulation subsystems and regional production circuits. The theoretical and methodological keys above exposed appear intertwined with the debate on the rethinking of social space planning, wondering: what territory for what society?
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