El Gran La Plata en el contexto de las transformaciones del sector industrial argentino en el perí­odo 1990-2010

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Gabriel Merino


This article is the result of the progress of research under the project “Land, Industrial Activity and Labor Market. Case Studies in Gran La Plata “, which has as main objectives to analyze the relationship between territory, public policy, industry and employment in the Gran La Plata posconvertibilidad cycle.

This research specifically addresses the relationship between State, actors and territory and by considering the latter in all its complexity. In this paper we show how the continuities and ruptures that occur in the Argentine industrial sector from the posconvertibilidad can be seen in the Gran La Plata, and in the dynamics of large industries located in the micro-region. In this territory is expressed strategic political projects identified nationally, which impose different logic and territorialities, resulting in different situations in the industrial sector. That is, we observe a duality and a set of contradictions (that cross the state itself) that give rise to different configurations in the territory, which are defined in each situation according to the existing correlation of forces.


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How to Cite
Merino, G. (2013). El Gran La Plata en el contexto de las transformaciones del sector industrial argentino en el perí­odo 1990-2010. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (9), 82–106. Retrieved from https://www.rer.fahce.unlp.edu.ar/article/view/rermt09a04
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