Al encuentro de los paradigmas del siglo XXI: la posdisciplina

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Elsa Laurelli
Claudia Tomadoni


The emergence of new paradigms is undoubtedly tied to the quest for new paths, both theoretical and methodological, pointing out indistinctively towards the beginning of a new century, as a sign of the new things to come. New concepts, methodologies and knowledge from dissimilar sources are developed and crossbred, emphasizing not on the disciplinary boundaries but on the challenges to be faced and solved; it implies a transgressive, rebel attitude, which ultimately leads to the breakthrough of disciplinary and methodological boundaries.

Both, the territory as a social construct and the challenge posed by critical practices of knowledge production and research related to the interpretation of the regional and urban space, are sources of new academic subjects, new issues that are worth to be explored and new spaces to reflect upon, all of them related to the ‘’post-society’’; therefore the importance of postdisciplinary thinking as analysis tool.

Science, and therefore knowledge, moves beyond its limits as current paradigms are transgressed while searching for new truths –truths that are not less unexpected and difficult to define–, substantiated by the pursuit of new methodologies which, as paths of knowledge, are aimed at interpreting the complexity belonging to the territorial configurations of this new century.

The main objective of the study is contextualized within the framework of the “pos society” new ways of approaching research problems. For this, the limits imposed disciplines are described and “posdisciplina” is proposed as an alternative methodological tool. Using a qualitative approach, the proposal is applied to the analysis of the territory and public space. The reflection on the achievement of transversality knowledge research practice focusing on problems is the outstanding result of studying this article.


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How to Cite
Laurelli, E., & Tomadoni, C. (2014). Al encuentro de los paradigmas del siglo XXI: la posdisciplina. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (10), 9–33. Retrieved from
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