Trabajo doméstico no remunerado y uso del tiempo en la Provincia de Santa Fe: una caracterización hacia 2013
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With the advent of Modernity, the intertwining of two different dynamics has given birth to a particular notion of work in a predominant position. The generalization of capitalist production relationships and the process of split up and specialization of spheres into public/work and private/domestic have exalted the idea of work engraved in the market economy, and have placed the remainder of work forms in a subordinated position. However, no remunerated housework (in terms of its basic functions) is still central to the process of the population’s social reproduction as it interacts with the role of public services and with the production of goods and services necessary for the survival of the population.
In this sense, this work –“Non-remunerated housework and time management in the Province of Santa Fe: a characterization towards 2013– presents and analyzes the time spent by household heads in no remunerated housework (which comprises housework, the care of children and sick or elderly members of the home, and school/learning support activities) in the province of Santa Fe from the data obtained in the “Survey of Non-remunerated Work and Time Management” executed by the first time in Argentina in the third trimester of 2013 as a module of the Urban Homes Annual Survey. Given that, without a doubt, the household structure and its socioeconomic characteristics are key factors in connection with how its members manage their time; in order to carry out this analysis, it has been necessary to create home typologies in virtue of the following variables: how the household head is constituted, whether or not there are dependent members, and –in houses with minors– how many of them there are.
In this respect, the analysis focuses on how the household head manages time in each of the typologies created in terms of the total per capita income of the family.
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