Cadenas de valor y ví­nculos industriales en el subsector florí­cola del Partido de La Plata

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Daniela Patricia Nieto


The article aims to identify the relationship between industry and the floriculture as a subsector at the District of La Plata, where rural activity has particular characteristics in the organization of production and marketing as well as in the use of the space and capital. The objective is to present a brief review of theoretical categories that help us to understand the value chain in the context of the floriculture activity, previously showing some significant features of that activity locally, and then to articulate the theoretical concepts with empirical referents. The contact points between the rural and industrial sectors where the role of the cooperatives, grouping most of the producers of this rural subsector, is a key element for the analysis of the aspects that will be presented.


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How to Cite
Nieto, D. P. (2015). Cadenas de valor y ví­nculos industriales en el subsector florí­cola del Partido de La Plata. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (11), 141–154. Retrieved from
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