Programa de Jóvenes Emprendedores: una polí­tica a favor del empleo y el emprendedurismo

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Roxana Camiletti
Héctor Flores


In the Province of San Luis, the provincial government has prioritized in recent years, through its policies, to create conditions for young people to learn to make their first ventures as entrepreneurs. Proof of this is the Program New Youth Enterprise of San Luis, which presents a valid for new business development alternative and encouraging entrepreneurship in young people of the province to the extent that its design includes support for the formulation of a project investment, its implementation and monitoring afterwards.

This program has two clear objectives: to consolidate or start a business and become entrepreneurs, and proposes to include young people with entrepreneurial skills to the production, trade and services in the province through training and training system. In the described framework, it ranks as a provincial policy implemented by the State to prioritize the development and welfare of youth in the province generating employment.

The working hypothesis to analyses this program is that while generating conditionalities to facilitate the development of entrepreneurs and the creation of new companies –of special interest to a province like San Luis where there is a large number of medium and big sized businesses–, it is clear that the methodology to achieve it follows that already used in a previous release, which had faults that prevented the further development and consolidation of these companies. Also of interest is to make visible that there are other alternatives to achieve the objectives outlined in the program.

The SME sector has been historically important and dynamic in the province. This, combined with the installation of large companies from the system of national industrial promotion that San Luis was beneficiary and the contribution of provincial promotion that are existing schemes, it makes this program finds a ideal breeding ground for development consolidating a cultural change in favor of entrepreneurship and dynamism that is printed at the provincial progress, ensuring a favorable impact on regional and local development, making it sustainable and with a high economic and social impact.

This paper aims to outline an analysis of the influence that this public policy implemented in the Province of San Luis has had and of failures that could have been avoided by following alternatives.


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How to Cite
Camiletti, R., & Flores, H. (2015). Programa de Jóvenes Emprendedores: una polí­tica a favor del empleo y el emprendedurismo. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (11), 155–169. Retrieved from
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