Mandos medios: una caracterización a partir de la construcción de jerarquí­as y disciplinas

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Joaquín Gustavo Bartlett
Ana Laura Rivero


The present work problematizes the middle managers and their emergence, starting from the division between direction and property, investigating in general way the relation of the average control with the upper layers and operative positions of the companies. we are particularly interested in the hierarchical processes that are being built and the configuration of forms of selfdiscipline. Based on a qualitative approach, we present short selection criteria for interviewees: training, seniority and position. As for the results, we can affirm for the cases taken, identification with superior hierarchical positions that are tied to a particular logic of relation.


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How to Cite
Bartlett, J. G., & Rivero, A. L. (2017). Mandos medios: una caracterización a partir de la construcción de jerarquí­as y disciplinas. Revista De Estudios Regionales Y Mercado De Trabajo, (13), 177–195. Retrieved from
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