Layoffs, public policies, media and ideologies in the context of a pandemic
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In recent decades, migration from neighboring countries to Argentina has undergone various transformations in terms of its flows. These have varied based on the socio-economic and/or political situation, both in the country of origin and in the recipient. Although migratory processes involve a network of different causes and motivations, economic and labor factors are not the only factors that affect migration. Family reunification and the existence of networks in the receiving country also influence, which facilitate both the places of residence and the labor insertion during the first months of stay.
This research is situated in the interweaving of the field of social studies of work and migration studies. Our goal is to analyze and describe the work trajectories of women of Paraguayan origin who live and work in La Plata and Gran La Plata. In this general framework, the specific objectives of the research seek to examine the labor sectors in which they are inserted, the social capital they develop during the migration process and the way in which they reconcile work and family, from a gender perspective.
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